Bethel Baptist Church

Aumsville, OR

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Mt. 28:19 niv

Sunday Worship Times

Sunday morning Services are both online and in-person.

  • 8:00 am Early Service
  • 9:15 am Sunday School
  • 10:45 am Late Service


Additional Resources

Bethel's Mission and Purpose

To know God and make Him known to others by: encouraging one another in love as we bring people to Jesus and membership in His family, help them grow into Christ-like maturity, equipping them to serve others while we worship God together.

And to Accomplish This, We...
Build the Believer
Equip the Worker
Advance the Gospel
Mentor the Disciple

What We Believe

  • The Bible is the Word of God to man, and our only infallible rule of faith and practice.
  • God eternally exists in three persons—the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit—these three are One God with the same nature and attributes.
  • Man was created in the image of God, but sinned. As a consequence, the entire human race is spiritually dead and has a depraved nature.
  • Man can receive spiritual life and a new nature by acceptance of the finished work of Jesus Christ, the Son, Who came into this world to reveal God and redeem mankind by His death and resurrection.
  • The Holy Spirit dwells in every believer and is the source of all acceptable worship and service.


To know God and to make Him known, in Christ
Mt. 22:36-40; 28:18-20

Dwight Bales
Pastor Dwight grew up at Bethel and trusted Christ as Savior at age 14. He graduated from Cascade High School, Western Baptist College (Corban College), and Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. Dwight and his wife, Lissa, live in Aumsville and he has served as Pastor-Teacher at Bethel since 2007.

Community Outreach

Aumsville Community Food Pantry at Bethel

12-4pm, every 2nd & 4th Thursday
An equal opportunity provider

645 Cleveland St. Aumsville, OR (in the Church Ministry Center). There will be signs posted to direct traffic to enter on the west side of the building and drive around back to the parking lot. Parking for the Food Pantry is on the east side of the parking lot.

Clothing Closet

10am-noon, every 3rd Saturday

We provide free clothing for people in our community.

The Clothing Closet has moved to the Church Ministry Center (across the parking lot). If you have clothing you would like to donate, please call us during our office hours. Clothing should be clean and in good repair.

Emergency Needs Fund

We maintain an emergency needs fund to provide assistance for members of our community in need. Call us during our office hours if you need help with a water or electric bill.

Funds are limited

Children's Ministries

Noah's Nursery

Our nursery is open at 9:00am during Sunday School and at 10:45am during our 2nd service.

Sunday School

We have a couple of classes for children on Sunday mornings at 9:15am. Children's Sunday School is for ages 3-K. BKFC (B.ethel K.ids f.or C.hrist) Sunday School is for grades 1-6.

Children's Church

Children from 2 years of age to grade 3 are welcome to attend Children's Church during the 10:45am service.

Good News

The Aumsville Elementary Good News Club meets on Tuesdays at 1:30-3:30pm in the 3-5 building library throughout the school year. Pick up a registration brochure from Bethel's Welcome Center or outside the school office.

Awana Clubs

Our Awana clubbers meet on Wednesdays at 6:30pm throughout the school year. We have a variety of clubs for children age 3 through grade 6. Children must be at least 3 years old by September 1 to attend.

Vacation Bible School

We have a Vacation Bible School for one week in the summer for children age 4 through grade 6.

Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Is. 40:30-31 esv

Youth Group

  • Sunday School – 9:15am Sundays
  • Youth Group – 6:30-8:00pm Sundays.
Permission & Release form 2024-25 (download)

Connection Opportunities


This ministry creates opportunities for people of all ages to connect with one another and to serve our community. One such opportunity is the BBQ we hold every Sunday night throughout the summer.

Small Groups

We invite you to meet people, make friends, pray and learn about God together in one of our small groups. Call the church office or ask at the Welcome Center for the latest on meeting times and places. Growth Groups meet weekly for fellowship and study.

Women's Ministries

At Bethel Baptist we desire to be women who love Jesus and know His Word. We long to see women gather and connect with each other while at the same time engage with God's Word in a meaningful way that leaves women encouraged and challenged to grow in their relationship with Jesus. There are many ways to connect and grow through: Bible studies, Women's Missionary Fellowship, Teas, Retreats and other special events. Our prayer is that all women will feel welcomed and valued as we seek the Lord together.

Men's Ministries

Have a great time encouraging one another and learning about God. Places to connect include: Men's Breakfast, and Men's Roundup.

Local & Global Missions

Bethel supports missionaries locally and abroad, with a focus on Latin ministry "south of the border." Local outreach includes: Prison Fellowship, Nursing Home Ministries, and various short-term mission trips.


You can now give to Bethel through PayPal! Just click on the donation button below to make a one-time or recurring gift on PayPal's website. Log into your PayPal account and cancel recurring gifts anytime (account required for recurring gifts).

Or mail a check or cash to:

Bethel Baptist Church
PO Box 167
Aumsville, OR 97325


Contact Us

Call us: 8am-4pm, Mon., Thurs.-Fri.
Phone: (503) 749-2128

  Visit us on Facebook

© 2024 Bethel Baptist Church

645 Cleveland Street | Aumsville, OR 97325
Office Hours: 8am-4pm, Mon., Thurs.-Fri.

Phone: 503-749-2128